A four-part documentary series from HBO and Teton Gravity Research, Edge of the Earth follows four groups of elite action-adventure athletes embarking on never-before-accomplished missions. Taking place around the globe -- within awe-inspiring, undiscovered realms of nature -- each installment of the series features a different team of adventurers journeying into the wild to take on incredible endeavors of physical prowess and mental fortitude.
Taking part are snowboarders Jeremy Jones and Elena Hight, and skier Griffin Post; kayakers Ben Stookesberry, Nouria Newman, and Erik Boomer; climbers Emily Harrington and Adrian Ballinger; and surfers Ian Walsh and Grant “Twiggy” Baker.
Mountain Revelations" follows three professional snowboarders – Jeremy Jones, Ryan Hudson, and Rafael Pease - on a human-powered 10-day mission in a remote corner of Alaska's Chugach Mountain Range. As they explore epic lines on the steep and unforgiving terrain, the physical and emotional challenges they overcome during the harsh, endless days of the waning Alaskan winter serve as a catalyst to examine the roles their backgrounds had on their respective paths to this expedition.
Last winter, it wasn’t hard finding the soul across twelve independent mountain resorts in North America. These mountains had more rich character and stories to tell than we could've ever imagined possible. Head to TGRtv to watch our latest short film, In Pursuit of Soul.